Air Niugini has continue to show support for the staging of the annual PNG Human Resource Institute (PNGHRI) national conference.

Managing Director, Mr Alan Milne presented a cheque of K10, 000 to President of PNGHRI, Mr Jerry Wemin at Air Niugini head office in Port Moresby last Friday.

Mr Milne said people is one of the four core areas of the airline�s higher altitude transformation program where Air Niugini is giving staff across all ANG network the opportunity to progress their career.

Mr Milne said �Our management team is conducting talent identification process and training need analysis review to identify the gap in employee training needs and also recognise the talent within the current staff with potential to excel in their career within Air Niugini. Once these areas are identified, training will be provided.

�We want to ensure our people progress their career the way they want and where our employees feel that they are appreciated, they are able to effectively engage, be more productive and thrive- on and off the job.�

PNGHRI President, Mr Wemin acknowledged Air Niugini for its continuous support over the last three years.

He said these monies will go a long way to support all HR practitioners to share skills and knowledge to improve the management of people and staff within their respective workplaces.

He also gave a brief history of PNGHRI which has up to 9,000 plus HR practitioners in Papua New Guinea.

The two days PNGHRI Annual National Conference for this year will be held at Gateway Hotel in Port Moresby from this Thursday 20th June to Friday 21st.