From 1am �25th April, all pre-departure testing will cease at the airport for all flights .� All passengers should proceed directly to the Departures Check in through the Main Terminal Entrance.
If travelling to Singapore, Hong Kong or Manila, or transiting to a country that requires a negative certificate you must bring the certificate to the airport with you. The certificate must be issued by a Doctor and include at least the following information
- the date and time of the test;
- the name of the individual tested, as stated in the passport;
- at least one other personal identifier such as date of birth or passport number;
- the type of test conducted;
- the brand and make of the test;
- that the specimen for the test was collected, and the test was carried out, by or under the supervision of a Doctor;
- the result of the test (such as �negative� or �not detected�);
- the signature of the Doctor providing the certificate, as well as their Authority to Practise Number.
For passengers transiting onto flights to other international destinations, you will also be asked for evidence that your destination does not require a pre-departure test at time of check-in. We recommend checking for latest information at� , and bringing a screen shot of your destinations requirements with you to check-in.
Countries that do not require pre-departure tests include, Australia, the UK, EU, Scandinavia , Canada, Brazil, South Africa. Countries requiring pre-departure Rapid tests include USA, NZ and Indonesia. Countries requiring pre-departure PCR tests include Malaysia, Japan, China, Hong Kong and South Korea.� This information is rapidly changing and passengers must check on the latest requirements.
Passengers departing internationally from PNG are reminded that they cannot be checked in without a certificate of vaccination valid for travel.� Vaccination Certificates valid for international travel includes (amongst others) the PNG International Certificate of Covid Vaccination (ICCV), the WHO yellow card, the Australian Covid-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate, as well as compliant certificates issued by other countries.
Passengers travelling to Australia are reminded they are required to complete a new �document� being the Australian Digital Passenger Declaration (or DPD). The DPD is a mobile phone App and available for download at the Apple iPhone Store for iPhone, and Google Store for Android phones, by searching Australia DPD
Corporate Communications Department
Wednesday 20th April 2022